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PageLeap review rates your landing page's optimization across vital performance indicators that affect visitors and search engines.

Best Practices

Scoring badly on overall metrics shows vital shortcomings hampering user experiences and growth. Scroll down to learn more about how to resolve these key issues.

Webpage Performance

The Performance score quantifies your landing page's overall performance, essential for user satisfaction and interaction engagement.

First Contentful Paint (FCP)

Evaluating how swiftly your website presents the first piece of content, First Contentful Paint (FCP) is vital for keeping users engaged and decreasing bounce rates.

A 2.83 second First Contentful Paint speed, far above the PageLeap Benchmark of 1.09 seconds, risks losing customers and orders due to today's short attention spans. Prioritize improving your landing page to boost traffic and sales.

Largest Contentful Paint (LCP)

First Contentful Paint (FCP) measures how quickly your site displays initial content, crucial for user engagement and reducing bounce rates.

A slow LCP of 5.18 seconds, well over the PageLeap Benchmark of 1.49 seconds, may lead to decreased user satisfaction and lower sales, highlighting the need for urgent website optimizations.

Time to First Byte (TTFB)

Time to First Byte (TTFB) measures how quickly your landing page's server responds to a user's request, crucial for user engagement and satisfaction.

With a TTFB score of 0.02, surpassing the PageLeap Benchmark of 0.79, your landing page excels in meeting high user interaction expectations, driving engagement, and user satisfaction.

Total Blocking Time (TBT)

Total Blocking Time (TBT) assesses the time your landing page remains unresponsive during loading, pivotal for user satisfaction and engagement.

A TBT score of 0.47, higher than the PageLeap Benchmark of 0.149, may lead to lost market share, online orders, and frustrated users on your landing page, emphasizing the need for improvements.

Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS)

Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) evaluates how your landing page's design remains stable during loading, affecting user experience and engagement.

Your landing page's impressive CLS score of 0, faster than the PageLeap Benchmark of 0.05, significantly contributes to a frustration-free user experience, fostering higher engagement and online orders.

First Input Delay (FID)

First Input Delay (FID) measures how long your landing page takes to respond to user interactions, crucial for user engagement and interaction satisfaction.

Your landing page's First Input Delay (FID) score of 0.35, better than the PageLeap Benchmark of 0.49, ensures a responsive user interaction experience, enhancing engagement and user satisfaction.

An overall Performance score of 55, below the PageLeap Benchmark, may lead to user dissatisfaction, impacting engagement and user satisfaction, emphasizing the need for improvements.

SEO Compliance

SEO assesses the optimization level of your landing page for search engines, pivotal for visibility, user satisfaction, and engagement.

Young entrepreneur in a red shirt, sitting at a desk with a 1990s desktop computer and stacks of papers, looking puzzled while trying to navigate the challenges of online business, emphasizing empathy.

Meta Descriptions

Meta descriptions act as your site's first impression in search results, essential for drawing in users and converting visits into sales.

Small houseplant with faded leaves in a red pot next to a rusted, empty watering can labeled 'Meta Descriptions', symbolizing the lack of informative meta descriptions hindering website growth.

Ineffective meta descriptions might lead to lower search rankings, decreasing user engagement and negatively impacting revenue.

Broken Links

Identifying and fixing broken links is crucial for website usability and SEO, directly affecting user experience and online sales.

An anxious teenager in a reflective orange safety vest and hat, waving arms to alert a cautious crowd of pedestrians, cyclists, skateboarders, and rollerbladers approaching a compromised bridge. 404 written on surface indicates website's broken links.

Your site's effective management of 0 broken links ensures a smooth user experience, leading to increased engagement and potential sales growth.

Site Map

An XML sitemap facilitates search engine crawling of new content, enabling timely updates to rankings, consumer reach, and revenue.

Confident young entrepreneur in green blazer, smiling and looking upward with optimism, holding a colorful, textless digital website map with swirling patterns. Her outstretched arms showcasing the creative product proudly.

Your XML sitemap facilitates indexing but leveraging its full potential means adding new URLs consistently.

Improper Robots.txt usage

Robots.txt guides search engines in navigating your site, a critical factor for ensuring your content reaches the right audience and drives sales.

Intelligent white robot with green highlights, holding a glowing blue holographic robots.txt document and examining it through black rectangular glasses, giving a thumbs up of approval against a flat black background.

A well-managed robots.txt on your site aids in effective indexing, boosting user interest and contributing to higher e-commerce revenue.

Canonical Tags

Canonical tags are key in managing SEO, directly impacting how search engines view your content and affecting user traffic and sales.

Two mirrored webpages showcasing abstract colors, stacked vertically, with a green check mark badge indicating correct canonical tag implementation. This professional composition emphasizes website metadata usage in a digital art context.

Your site's canonical tags are correctly used, enhancing search rankings, attracting more users, and potentially increasing online sales.

An SEO score of 88, well below the PageLeap Benchmark, indicates potential limitations in visibility, which could result in reduced engagement and negative reviews, underscoring the need for immediate action.

Accessibility & UX

Accessibility assesses how well your landing page accommodates users with disabilities, pivotal for inclusive user satisfaction and engagement.

Young entrepreneur in a red shirt, sitting at a desk with a 1990s desktop computer and stacks of papers, looking puzzled while trying to navigate the challenges of online business, emphasizing empathy.

Image Alt Text

Alt texts are key in making images searchable and accessible, directly impacting user experience and potential e-commerce performance.

A blind woman with a joyful smile is reading from a neon-green futuristic braille device, her fingers gently tracing the glowing dot patterns. The scene is artistically illustrated, promoting accessible technology.

Optimized alt texts on your site's images boost search visibility and user accessibility, positively impacting sales performance.

Loading Efficiency

High loading efficiency ensures users can quickly access content, vital for maintaining interest and driving online revenue growth.

Startup founder in casual business attire nervously waiting for webpage to load on smartphone, indicated by slow status bar progress. They are standing, crossing arms, and rapidly tapping their foot.

Your site's loading efficiency score of 4 needs improvement to enhance user experience and reduce bounce rates, impacting sales opportunities.

An Accessibility score of 84, well below the PageLeap Benchmark, indicates potential user dissatisfaction and exclusion, which could result in reduced engagement and negative reviews for all users, underscoring the need for immediate action.

Security & Trust

Young entrepreneur in a red shirt, sitting at a desk with a 1990s desktop computer and stacks of papers, looking puzzled while trying to navigate the challenges of online business, emphasizing empathy.


Effective redirect strategies are essential for website performance, impacting how users engage with your site and affecting sales.

Young entrepreneur in a red shirt, sitting at a desk with a 1990s desktop computer and stacks of papers, looking puzzled while trying to navigate the challenges of online business, emphasizing empathy.

Effective handling of the 0 redirects on your site supports seamless navigation, leading to improved traffic and higher sales potential.

Headers Grade

Optimizing HTTP headers is essential for site security and performance, crucial for user trust and online e-commerce success.


With an excellent HTTP header configuration grade of A, your website offers robust security and functionality, leading to improved user engagement and higher revenue.


Using HTTPS secures user data and builds trust, a critical factor in maintaining user engagement and driving e-commerce success.


Your site's use of HTTPS ensures secure transactions, building user trust and potentially increasing engagement and sales.
