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PageLeap measures how well your page is optimized across essential factors such as speed, access, security, and search visibility.

Best Practices

Scoring badly on overall metrics shows vital shortcomings hampering user experiences and growth. Scroll down to learn more about how to resolve these key issues.

Webpage Performance

The overall Performance score gauges how your landing page's performance influences user experience and satisfaction.

First Contentful Paint (FCP)

First Contentful Paint (FCP) is a crucial metric that measures the speed at which the first content appears on your site, imperative for maintaining user engagement and diminishing bounce rates.

A 2.52 second First Contentful Paint speed, far above the PageLeap Benchmark of 1.09 seconds, risks losing customers and orders due to today's short attention spans. Prioritize improving your landing page to boost traffic and sales.

Largest Contentful Paint (LCP)

First Contentful Paint (FCP) tracks when your site first renders material, which affects user engagement and bounce rates.

With a Largest Contentful Paint time of 6.9 seconds, exceeding the PageLeap Benchmark of 1.49 seconds, your site risks higher bounce rates and lower conversion, indicating a need for performance improvements.

Time to First Byte (TTFB)

Time to First Byte (TTFB) measures how quickly your landing page's server responds to a user's request, crucial for user engagement and satisfaction.

Achieving a TTFB score of 0.02, better than the PageLeap Benchmark of 0.79, your landing page ensures minimal delays in server responses, leading to positive engagement and user satisfaction.

Total Blocking Time (TBT)

Total Blocking Time (TBT) gauges the duration your landing page remains unresponsive during loading, influencing user experience and satisfaction.

Exceeding the PageLeap Benchmark score with a TBT of 0.3, your landing page risks driving away potential customers, impacting online orders and reviews, underscoring the urgency for enhancements.

Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS)

Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) quantifies the visual stability of your landing page as it loads, which is pivotal for user satisfaction and engagement.

With a CLS score of 0, surpassing the PageLeap Benchmark of 0.05, your landing page excels in meeting the high user experience expectations of today's customers, driving online orders, reviews, and traffic.

First Input Delay (FID)

First Input Delay (FID) evaluates the delay in your landing page's response to user input, impacting user experience and interaction engagement.

Your landing page's First Input Delay (FID) score of 0.34, better than the PageLeap Benchmark of 0.49, ensures a responsive user interaction experience, enhancing engagement and user satisfaction.

Falling short of the PageLeap Benchmark, your landing page's overall Performance score of 59 risks driving away potential customers, impacting engagement and user reviews, underscoring the urgency for enhancements.

SEO Compliance

SEO evaluates how well your landing page is optimized for search engines, crucial for visibility, user engagement, and satisfaction.

"Young entrepreneur in red shirt, with black long hair, sitting puzzled at a desk crowded with papers and a 1990s desktop computer, worried about his low website traffic."

Meta Descriptions

Effective meta descriptions enhance your website's visibility in search results, playing a crucial role in attracting users and driving revenue.

A neglected houseplant with wilted leaves in a red pot sits next to a rusted, tipped over watering can labeled 'Meta Descriptions', symbolizing the importance of meta descriptions for website growth.

Lacking impactful meta descriptions, your site falls short in search visibility, potentially reducing user interest and sales.

Broken Links

Maintaining a site free of broken links is vital for user experience and SEO, crucial for attracting traffic and driving sales.

Teen in orange safety vest urgently signaling danger to the nearby crowd of pedestrians and wheeled-sport enthusiasts approaching the damaged edge of a broken bridge; 404 painted as a web error metaphor.

Optimal handling of the 0 broken links on your site enhances navigation, positively impacting user experience and boosting sales.

Site Map

An effective XML sitemap makes webpages visible to search engines, which is crucial for discoverability, traffic, and business growth.

A confident young entrepreneur with wavy hair, smiling and looking upwards with optimism. She's professionally dressed in a green blazer, triumphantly showcasing a colorful digital website map in her extended arms.

With an XML sitemap implemented, your site maintains full search engine accessibility, but its effectiveness depends on proper structure and diligent updates.

Improper Robots.txt usage

The robots.txt file plays a key role in managing search engine access to your site, influencing user discoverability and potential e-commerce success.

A friendly and intelligent white robot with green accents reading a holographic robots.txt document, giving a thumbs up. Wearing rectangular glasses, its eyes show focus and friendliness, as it scans the high-tech file over a stark black background.

Your site's well-structured robots.txt ensures efficient search engine crawling, enhancing visibility, driving user traffic, and potentially increasing sales.

Canonical Tags

Canonical tags guide search engines in content prioritization, playing a significant role in user discoverability and online sales.

Two identical mockup webpages filled with abstract swirling colors are stacked vertically under a green check mark, symbolizing correctly used canonical tags. This digital art piece serves as an illustration of proper website metadata usage.

Optimized canonical tags on your site ensure content uniqueness, boosting search visibility and positively influencing sales.

An SEO score of 89, well below the PageLeap Benchmark, indicates potential limitations in visibility, which could result in reduced engagement and negative reviews, underscoring the need for immediate action.

Accessibility & UX

Accessibility measures your landing page's ability to be used by individuals with disabilities, crucial for inclusive user engagement and satisfaction.

"Young entrepreneur in red shirt, with black long hair, sitting puzzled at a desk crowded with papers and a 1990s desktop computer, worried about his low website traffic."

Image Alt Text

Effective alt texts on images can boost your site's search rankings and user engagement, playing a crucial role in online sales.

Blind woman smiling whilst reading braille on a futuristic glowing green device, displaying clear dot patterns. Image praised by a badge for disability-friendly implementation.

Effective use of alt texts on images on your site supports SEO, leading to improved user traffic and higher sales potential.

Loading Efficiency

High loading efficiency ensures users can quickly access content, vital for maintaining interest and driving online revenue growth.

A tense young startup founder in a crisp white dress shirt and tie, showcasing a neat hairstyle and eyewear. He is tapping a foot impatiently and crossing his arms, holding a smartphone, waiting for a slow-loading webpage.

Your site's loading efficiency score of 22 falls below optimal standards, risking increased bounce rates and potential revenue loss.

Your landing page's Accessibility score of 91, lagging behind the PageLeap Benchmark, poses a risk to user satisfaction, engagement, and webpage traffic for all users, highlighting the opportunity for vital improvements.

Security & Trust

"Young entrepreneur in red shirt, with black long hair, sitting puzzled at a desk crowded with papers and a 1990s desktop computer, worried about his low website traffic."


Efficient management of redirects is crucial for maintaining site speed and user experience, influencing traffic and potential online sales.

"Young entrepreneur in red shirt, with black long hair, sitting puzzled at a desk crowded with papers and a 1990s desktop computer, worried about his low website traffic."

Your site excels in redirect management with 0 redirects, enhancing site performance and potentially increasing user engagement and online sales.

Headers Grade

Effective HTTP headers are vital for protecting user data and ensuring smooth site operation, directly affecting traffic and sales.


An HTTP header grade of A on your site ensures effective protection and smooth operation, positively impacting user experience and boosting sales.


HTTPS is essential for website security and user trust, directly impacting user experience and influencing online sales and traffic.


Optimized HTTPS encryption (1) on your site enhances security, positively impacting user trust and potentially boosting sales.
