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Examine and discover the fundamentals of SEO!

PageLeap gauges how effectively your landing page is tuned across pivotal categories like technical quality, inclusiveness, security and promotion.

Best Practices

The substandard overall score indicates insufficient optimization across critical areas, which will hinder user experiences and lose sales. Scroll down for more detail.

Webpage Performance

The overall Performance score measures your landing page's performance, crucial for user engagement and satisfaction.

First Contentful Paint (FCP)

FCP, or First Contentful Paint, assesses the speed of your site in showing the initial content, playing a significant role in user retention and bounce rate reduction.

With a First Contentful Paint speed of 2.98 seconds, significantly slower than the PageLeap Benchmark of 1.09 seconds, your site faces challenges in maintaining user interest and converting visits to sales.

Largest Contentful Paint (LCP)

First Contentful Paint (FCP) determines the velocity at which your site populates content, influencing user engagement and bounce percentages.

A slow LCP of 7.66 seconds, well over the PageLeap Benchmark of 1.49 seconds, may lead to decreased user satisfaction and lower sales, highlighting the need for urgent website optimizations.

Time to First Byte (TTFB)

Time to First Byte (TTFB) evaluates the time it takes for your landing page's server to initiate a response to user requests, impacting user experience and engagement.

A TTFB score of 2.11, higher than the PageLeap Benchmark of 0.79, may lead to frustrated users on your landing page, impacting engagement and user satisfaction, emphasizing the need for improvements.

Total Blocking Time (TBT)

Total Blocking Time (TBT) gauges the duration your landing page remains unresponsive during loading, influencing user experience and satisfaction.

An elevated TBT score of 2.31, well above the PageLeap Benchmark of 0.149, indicates potential user frustration, which could result in reduced online orders and negative reviews, underscoring the need for immediate action.

Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS)

Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) gauges how your landing page's elements move during loading, influencing user experience and satisfaction.

With a CLS score of 0, surpassing the PageLeap Benchmark of 0.05, your landing page excels in meeting the high user experience expectations of today's customers, driving online orders, reviews, and traffic.

First Input Delay (FID)

First Input Delay (FID) gauges the delay in your landing page's response to user interactions, influencing user experience and satisfaction.

An elevated FID score of 0.67, well above the PageLeap Benchmark of 0.49, indicates potential user frustration, which could result in reduced engagement and negative reviews, underscoring the need for immediate action.

With an overall Performance score of 32, falling short of the PageLeap Benchmark, your landing page may be causing user dissatisfaction, negatively impacting engagement and user satisfaction, necessitating improvements.

SEO Compliance

SEO evaluates your landing page's search engine optimization, impacting visibility, user experience, and engagement.

"A young businessman in a red shirt, sitting puzzled at a desk covered with papers and a 1990s desktop computer, trying to understand the low website traffic, representing online business challenges."

Meta Descriptions

Meta descriptions act as your site's first impression in search results, essential for drawing in users and converting visits into sales.

A neglected houseplant in a red pot on a windowsill, symbolizing a website lacking growth due to missing meta descriptions, next to an empty, broken watering can marked "Meta Descriptions".

Your site's meta descriptions fall below optimal standards, risking diminished search visibility and potential revenue loss.

Broken Links

Effective handling of broken links is essential for website navigation and user trust, directly influencing engagement and sales.

An anxious teen in an orange safety vest signaling danger to spectators, pedestrians, bicyclists, skateboarders, and rollerbladers moving towards a collapsed bridge. The bridge surface is marked with 404, indicating a broken connection.

Ineffective management of the 1 broken links could affect site usability, leading to decreased user satisfaction and lower revenue.

Site Map

With an XML sitemap, pages are readily indexed, keeping content findable and driving user engagement key for sales.

A happy young entrepreneur in a stylish green blazer, confidently displaying a vibrant digital map of a website, her eyes full of optimism. She is using a symmetric gesture, with a radiant smile beneath her wavy hair.

Your XML sitemap facilitates indexing but leveraging its full potential means adding new URLs consistently.

Improper Robots.txt usage

A well-configured robots.txt file is vital for search engine optimization, impacting how easily users find your site and potentially boosting online revenue.

A sophisticated white robot with green features, wearing black rectangle glasses, engaging with a transparent holographic file projection from its hand displaying Robots.txt. It appears focused, giving a thumbs up and smiling over a clean black background.

A well-managed robots.txt on your site aids in effective indexing, boosting user interest and contributing to higher e-commerce revenue.

Canonical Tags

Canonical tags are key in managing SEO, directly impacting how search engines view your content and affecting user traffic and sales.

Alt text: An artistic illustration depicting two disjointed, faded webpages with visible UI errors. Graphic symbols warn of critical issues stemming from misaligned tags. The display showcases the negative impact of disjointed website metadata.

Effective canonical tag management on your site supports SEO, leading to improved user traffic and higher sales potential.

Your landing page's SEO score of 83, lagging behind the PageLeap Benchmark, poses a risk to visibility, user satisfaction, and webpage traffic, highlighting the opportunity for vital improvements.

Accessibility & UX

Accessibility quantifies your landing page's ability to be used by individuals with disabilities, essential for inclusive user satisfaction and interaction engagement.

"A young businessman in a red shirt, sitting puzzled at a desk covered with papers and a 1990s desktop computer, trying to understand the low website traffic, representing online business challenges."

Image Alt Text

Effective alt texts on images can boost your site's search rankings and user engagement, playing a crucial role in online sales.

A joyful blind woman with styled hair and lipstick, running her fingers over a glowing green braille device. A badge commends the accessible design that enables her to interact with webpage content with ease.

Effective use of alt texts on images on your site supports SEO, leading to improved user traffic and higher sales potential.

Loading Efficiency

Loading efficiency is critical for user experience, influencing how quickly your site engages users and affects bounce rates and sales.

A young entrepreneur in a blazer and slacks sits anxiously in a chair, crossing their arms and tapping their foot rapidly. They are holding a phone displaying a slowly loading webpage, expressing frustration at the slow progress.

Inadequate loading efficiency score of 0 may lead to decreased user satisfaction, affecting your site's traffic and potential revenue.

An Accessibility score of 94, well below the PageLeap Benchmark, indicates potential user dissatisfaction and exclusion, which could result in reduced engagement and negative reviews for all users, underscoring the need for immediate action.

Security & Trust

"A young businessman in a red shirt, sitting puzzled at a desk covered with papers and a 1990s desktop computer, trying to understand the low website traffic, representing online business challenges."


Proper handling of redirects ensures seamless user navigation, a key factor in retaining visitors and driving e-commerce success.

"A young businessman in a red shirt, sitting puzzled at a desk covered with papers and a 1990s desktop computer, trying to understand the low website traffic, representing online business challenges."

Your site's efficient redirect management of 0 redirects enhances user experience, leading to increased engagement and potentially higher sales.

Headers Grade

Effective HTTP headers are vital for protecting user data and ensuring smooth site operation, directly affecting traffic and sales.


An HTTP header grade of A on your site ensures effective protection and smooth operation, positively impacting user experience and boosting sales.


HTTPS encryption is key to protecting user information, enhancing site credibility, and potentially increasing user retention and sales.


With robust HTTPS security enabled (1), your website fosters user trust, leading to improved engagement and higher revenue opportunities.
