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PageLeap review rates your landing page's optimization across vital performance indicators that affect visitors and search engines.

Best Practices

Scoring badly on overall metrics shows vital shortcomings hampering user experiences and growth. Scroll down to learn more about how to resolve these key issues.

Webpage Performance

The overall Performance score gauges how your landing page's performance influences user experience and satisfaction.

First Contentful Paint (FCP)

First Contentful Paint (FCP) tracks the initial display speed of content on your site, essential for capturing user interest and lowering bounce rates.

Your site's First Contentful Paint time of 3.6 seconds, exceeding the PageLeap Benchmark of 1.09 seconds, could deter potential customers, impacting your bounce rates and sales negatively.

Largest Contentful Paint (LCP)

First Contentful Paint (FCP) measures how quickly your site displays initial content, crucial for user engagement and reducing bounce rates.

Your site's LCP speed of 4 seconds, lagging behind the PageLeap Benchmark of 1.49 seconds, could negatively impact user experience and conversions, underscoring the importance of speed enhancements.

Time to First Byte (TTFB)

Time to First Byte (TTFB) quantifies the delay in your landing page's server response to user actions, essential for user satisfaction and interaction engagement.

Exceeding the PageLeap Benchmark score with a TTFB of 1.79, your landing page risks driving away potential customers, impacting engagement and user reviews, underscoring the urgency for enhancements.

Total Blocking Time (TBT)

Total Blocking Time (TBT) assesses the time your landing page remains unresponsive during loading, pivotal for user satisfaction and engagement.

Your landing page's TBT score of 0.47, lagging behind the PageLeap Benchmark of 0.149, poses a risk to user satisfaction, online orders, and webpage traffic, highlighting the opportunity for vital improvements.

Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS)

Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) assesses the stability of your landing page's layout during loading, crucial for user satisfaction and engagement.

Your landing page's Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) score of 0, better than the PageLeap Benchmark of 0.05, ensures a seamless user experience, enhancing online orders, positive reviews, and webpage traffic.

First Input Delay (FID)

First Input Delay (FID) quantifies the time it takes for your landing page to process user actions, essential for user satisfaction and interaction engagement.

Your landing page's First Input Delay (FID) score of 0.18, better than the PageLeap Benchmark of 0.49, ensures a responsive user interaction experience, enhancing engagement and user satisfaction.

An overall Performance score of 58, well below the PageLeap Benchmark, indicates potential user dissatisfaction, which could result in reduced engagement and negative reviews, underscoring the need for immediate action.

SEO Compliance

SEO gauges how well your landing page's optimization for search engines influences visibility, user experience, and satisfaction.

A digital illustration featuring a radiant lightbulb crafted from interconnected website code, illuminating an ascending tree sprouting keywords indicating SEO technical elements, symbolizing organic online growth.

Meta Descriptions

Effective meta descriptions enhance your website's visibility in search results, playing a crucial role in attracting users and driving revenue.

Illustration of an open book with meta description text magnified by a glass, implying in-depth examination of webpage metadata. The book sits against a backdrop of binary code, emphasizing its digital context.

Your site's meta descriptions need improvement to enhance SEO, potentially affecting user traffic and sales opportunities.

Broken Links

Proper management of broken links is key to maintaining site integrity and user satisfaction, influencing traffic and potential revenue.

Teenager in an orange safety vest frantically waving to alert pedestrians, cyclists, and skaters about a collapsed bridge, with '404' on it indicating broken web connection.

Efficient management of the 0 broken links on your site supports seamless navigation, leading to improved traffic and higher sales potential.

Site Map

An XML sitemap facilitates search engine crawling of new content, enabling timely updates to rankings, consumer reach, and revenue.

A happy young entrepreneur in a stylish green blazer, confidently displaying a vibrant digital map of a website, her eyes full of optimism. She is using a symmetric gesture, with a radiant smile beneath her wavy hair.

By having an XML sitemap, you've crossed the first hurdle, but its power comes from keeping it updated as your site grows.

Improper Robots.txt usage

Robots.txt is crucial for directing search engine bots, impacting how your site's content is crawled and indexed, which in turn affects user traffic and online visibility.

A white robot with green accents and black glasses, gives a thumbs-up while analyzing a holographic Robots.txt document from its hand, reflecting a green light from the lenses, against a black background.

Your effective robots.txt setup enhances search performance, attracting more users and positively impacting your online sales.

Canonical Tags

Canonical tags help prevent duplicate content issues in SEO, essential for maintaining your site's search ranking and attracting potential customers.

Two mirrored webpages with abstract swirling colors are stacked vertically, approved by a sleek green check mark badge above for correct canonical tag implementation. This image represents proper website metadata usage in a professional digital art composition.

Effective canonical tag management on your site supports SEO, leading to improved user traffic and higher sales potential.

Your landing page's SEO score of 98, better than the PageLeap Benchmark, ensures strong visibility, enhancing user engagement and satisfaction.

Accessibility & UX

Accessibility measures your landing page's ability to be used by individuals with disabilities, crucial for inclusive user engagement and satisfaction.

A digital illustration featuring a radiant lightbulb crafted from interconnected website code, illuminating an ascending tree sprouting keywords indicating SEO technical elements, symbolizing organic online growth.

Image Alt Text

Alt texts are key in making images searchable and accessible, directly impacting user experience and potential e-commerce performance.

Blind woman smiling whilst reading braille on a futuristic glowing green device, displaying clear dot patterns. Image praised by a badge for disability-friendly implementation.

Optimized alt texts on your site's images boost search visibility and user accessibility, positively impacting sales performance.

Loading Efficiency

Loading efficiency is critical for user experience, influencing how quickly your site engages users and affects bounce rates and sales.

A tense young startup founder in a crisp white dress shirt and tie, showcasing a neat hairstyle and eyewear. He is tapping a foot impatiently and crossing his arms, holding a smartphone, waiting for a slow-loading webpage.

Suboptimal loading efficiency score of 1 may weaken user retention, impacting your site's traffic and online sales performance.

Your landing page's Accessibility score of 91, lagging behind the PageLeap Benchmark, poses a risk to user satisfaction, engagement, and webpage traffic for all users, highlighting the opportunity for vital improvements.

Security & Trust

A digital illustration featuring a radiant lightbulb crafted from interconnected website code, illuminating an ascending tree sprouting keywords indicating SEO technical elements, symbolizing organic online growth.


Redirects, when managed well, improve site functionality and user experience, directly impacting traffic and online revenue.

A digital illustration featuring a radiant lightbulb crafted from interconnected website code, illuminating an ascending tree sprouting keywords indicating SEO technical elements, symbolizing organic online growth.

Your site's efficient redirect management of 0 redirects enhances user experience, leading to increased engagement and potentially higher sales.

Headers Grade

Well-configured HTTP headers contribute significantly to website security and efficiency, impacting user experience and potential sales growth.


An HTTP header grade of A+ on your site ensures effective protection and smooth operation, positively impacting user experience and boosting sales.


Secure connections through HTTPS are vital for user confidence and site integrity, playing a significant role in online traffic and sales.


Your site excels in providing secure connections via HTTPS (1), enhancing user trust and potentially increasing online sales.
