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PageLeap assessment gauges your landing page comprehensively across key areas that impact user experience and business results.

Best Practices

Failure to meet overall optimization expectations across pivotal segments severely hampers user experiences and business KPIs. Scrol down to learn more.

Webpage Performance

The overall Performance score measures your landing page's performance, crucial for user engagement and satisfaction.

First Contentful Paint (FCP)

First Contentful Paint (FCP) is a crucial metric that measures the speed at which the first content appears on your site, imperative for maintaining user engagement and diminishing bounce rates.

A 3.32 second First Contentful Paint speed, far above the PageLeap Benchmark of 1.09 seconds, risks losing customers and orders due to today's short attention spans. Prioritize improving your landing page to boost traffic and sales.

Largest Contentful Paint (LCP)

First Contentful Paint (FCP) measures how quickly your site displays initial content, crucial for user engagement and reducing bounce rates.

A slow LCP of 16.55 seconds, well over the PageLeap Benchmark of 1.49 seconds, may lead to decreased user satisfaction and lower sales, highlighting the need for urgent website optimizations.

Time to First Byte (TTFB)

Time to First Byte (TTFB) evaluates the time it takes for your landing page's server to initiate a response to user requests, impacting user experience and engagement.

With a TTFB score of 0.93, exceeding the PageLeap Benchmark of 0.79, your landing page may be causing user frustration, negatively impacting engagement and user satisfaction, necessitating improvements.

Total Blocking Time (TBT)

Total Blocking Time (TBT) assesses the time your landing page remains unresponsive during loading, pivotal for user satisfaction and engagement.

Exceeding the PageLeap Benchmark score with a TBT of 1.53, your landing page risks driving away potential customers, impacting online orders and reviews, underscoring the urgency for enhancements.

Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS)

Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) evaluates how your landing page's design remains stable during loading, affecting user experience and engagement.

With a CLS score of 0, surpassing the PageLeap Benchmark of 0.05, your landing page excels in meeting the high user experience expectations of today's customers, driving online orders, reviews, and traffic.

First Input Delay (FID)

First Input Delay (FID) evaluates the delay in your landing page's response to user input, impacting user experience and interaction engagement.

A FID score of 0.92, higher than the PageLeap Benchmark of 0.49, may lead to frustrated users on your landing page, impacting engagement and user satisfaction, emphasizing the need for improvements.

An overall Performance score of 35, below the PageLeap Benchmark, may lead to user dissatisfaction, impacting engagement and user satisfaction, emphasizing the need for improvements.

SEO Compliance

SEO gauges how well your landing page's optimization for search engines influences visibility, user experience, and satisfaction.

"Photo of a young, confused businessman in a vibrant red shirt, scrutinizing website data on a vintage 90s computer, surrounded by paper stacks. He is seated near a digital piano and other musical instruments, highlighting his entrepreneurial spirit and artistic side."

Meta Descriptions

Meta descriptions are snippets that summarize web pages' content, influencing click-through rates from search engines and impacting user attraction and sales.

An open book displaying meta description text, under inspection by a magnifying glass, amidst a background of binary code signifying web metadata. This image symbolizes the revealing and detailed examination associated with webpage metadata.

Ineffective meta descriptions might lead to lower search rankings, decreasing user engagement and negatively impacting revenue.

Broken Links

Identifying and fixing broken links is crucial for website usability and SEO, directly affecting user experience and online sales.

Anxious teen in orange safety vest and shorts, waving arms to alert a crowd of pedestrians, cyclists and skaters about a collapsed bridge while 404 warning is visible.

Efficient management of the 0 broken links on your site supports seamless navigation, leading to improved traffic and higher sales potential.

Site Map

Implementing an optimized XML sitemap enhances discovery of new pages, increasing traffic to conversion paths and sales potential.

A stressed entrepreneur struggles to comprehend a glitching holographic maze in a dark, technologically advanced environment lit with red warning screens, symbolizing a complex, distorted digital website architecture.

Your XML sitemap facilitates indexing but leveraging its full potential means adding new URLs consistently.

Improper Robots.txt usage

Robots.txt guides search engines in navigating your site, a critical factor for ensuring your content reaches the right audience and drives sales.

Futuristic humanoid robot with red glowing eyes and silver metal plating, symbolizing frustration with red laser beams, standing in front of a black keep out sign and barred gate marked Robots.txt, with a city akin to a circuit board in the background.

Your site's well-structured robots.txt ensures efficient search engine crawling, enhancing visibility, driving user traffic, and potentially increasing sales.

Canonical Tags

Canonical tags are key in managing SEO, directly impacting how search engines view your content and affecting user traffic and sales.

Two mirrored mockup webpages with abstract swirling colors are stacked vertically. Above them is a green check mark badge approving the correct canonical tag implementation. This digital art illustrates proper website metadata usage.

Your site's canonical tags are correctly used, enhancing search rankings, attracting more users, and potentially increasing online sales.

An SEO score of 83, well below the PageLeap Benchmark, indicates potential limitations in visibility, which could result in reduced engagement and negative reviews, underscoring the need for immediate action.

Accessibility & UX

Accessibility gauges how well your landing page's accessibility features influence user experience and satisfaction for all users.

"Photo of a young, confused businessman in a vibrant red shirt, scrutinizing website data on a vintage 90s computer, surrounded by paper stacks. He is seated near a digital piano and other musical instruments, highlighting his entrepreneurial spirit and artistic side."

Image Alt Text

Utilizing alt texts for images not only aids in accessibility but also enhances SEO, crucial for attracting users and increasing revenue.

A joyful blind woman with styled hair and lipstick, running her fingers over a glowing green braille device. A badge commends the accessible design that enables her to interact with webpage content with ease.

With effective alt texts, your site's images enhance SEO, leading to improved user engagement and higher revenue opportunities.

Loading Efficiency

Loading efficiency is critical for user experience, influencing how quickly your site engages users and affects bounce rates and sales.

Startup founder in business attire impatiently waiting for webpage graphics to load, shown by a slow status bar on the screen. The scenario avoids all elements of violence, danger, and controversial themes.

Your site's loading efficiency score of 18 falls below optimal standards, risking increased bounce rates and potential revenue loss.

Your landing page's Accessibility score of 100, better than the PageLeap Benchmark, ensures an inclusive user experience, enhancing engagement and user satisfaction for all.

Security & Trust

"Photo of a young, confused businessman in a vibrant red shirt, scrutinizing website data on a vintage 90s computer, surrounded by paper stacks. He is seated near a digital piano and other musical instruments, highlighting his entrepreneurial spirit and artistic side."


Proper handling of redirects ensures seamless user navigation, a key factor in retaining visitors and driving e-commerce success.

"Photo of a young, confused businessman in a vibrant red shirt, scrutinizing website data on a vintage 90s computer, surrounded by paper stacks. He is seated near a digital piano and other musical instruments, highlighting his entrepreneurial spirit and artistic side."

Your site excels in redirect management with 0 redirects, enhancing site performance and potentially increasing user engagement and online sales.

Headers Grade

HTTP header configuration plays a crucial role in site security and performance, impacting user trust and potentially influencing sales.

With an excellent HTTP header configuration grade of , your website offers robust security and functionality, leading to improved user engagement and higher revenue.


Secure connections through HTTPS are vital for user confidence and site integrity, playing a significant role in online traffic and sales.


Your site's use of HTTPS ensures secure transactions, building user trust and potentially increasing engagement and sales.
