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PageLeap review rates your landing page's optimization across vital performance indicators that affect visitors and search engines.

Best Practices

Scoring badly on overall metrics shows vital shortcomings hampering user experiences and growth. Scroll down to learn more about how to resolve these key issues.

Webpage Performance

The overall Performance score measures your landing page's performance, crucial for user engagement and satisfaction.

First Contentful Paint (FCP)

First Contentful Paint (FCP) tracks the initial display speed of content on your site, essential for capturing user interest and lowering bounce rates.

With a First Contentful Paint speed of 2.99 seconds, significantly slower than the PageLeap Benchmark of 1.09 seconds, your site faces challenges in maintaining user interest and converting visits to sales.

Largest Contentful Paint (LCP)

First Contentful Paint (FCP) tracks when your site first renders material, which affects user engagement and bounce rates.

A slow LCP of 8.97 seconds, well over the PageLeap Benchmark of 1.49 seconds, may lead to decreased user satisfaction and lower sales, highlighting the need for urgent website optimizations.

Time to First Byte (TTFB)

Time to First Byte (TTFB) assesses the server's speed in responding to user requests on your landing page, pivotal for user satisfaction and engagement.

Your landing page's impressive TTFB score of 0.16, faster than the PageLeap Benchmark of 0.79, significantly contributes to a rapid user interaction experience, fostering higher engagement and satisfaction.

Total Blocking Time (TBT)

Total Blocking Time (TBT) assesses the time your landing page remains unresponsive during loading, pivotal for user satisfaction and engagement.

An elevated TBT score of 0.2, well above the PageLeap Benchmark of 0.149, indicates potential user frustration, which could result in reduced online orders and negative reviews, underscoring the need for immediate action.

Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS)

Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) gauges how your landing page's elements move during loading, influencing user experience and satisfaction.

Exceeding the PageLeap Benchmark score of 0.05 with a CLS of just 0, your landing page stands out in providing a frustration-free experience, resulting in increased market share, orders, and satisfied users.

First Input Delay (FID)

First Input Delay (FID) assesses the time it takes for your landing page to react to user actions, pivotal for user satisfaction and interaction engagement.

With a FID score of 0.43, surpassing the PageLeap Benchmark of 0.49, your landing page excels in meeting high user interaction expectations, driving engagement, and user satisfaction.

An overall Performance score of 60, well below the PageLeap Benchmark, indicates potential user dissatisfaction, which could result in reduced engagement and negative reviews, underscoring the need for immediate action.

SEO Compliance

SEO quantifies your landing page's effectiveness in search engine optimization, essential for visibility, user satisfaction, and interaction engagement.

'A frustrated young entrepreneur in a red shirt, sitting at a desk cluttered with papers and a vintage 1990s desktop computer, scratching his head as he analyzes why his online business's website traffic is low.'

Meta Descriptions

Meta descriptions act as your site's first impression in search results, essential for drawing in users and converting visits into sales.

Alt text: Illustration of an open book with a magnifying glass examining the small text of a meta description, set on a background filled with binary code to represent web metadata. The book, magnifying glass, and code all hint at detail and website-related information.

Lacking impactful meta descriptions, your site falls short in search visibility, potentially reducing user interest and sales.

Broken Links

Effective handling of broken links is essential for website navigation and user trust, directly influencing engagement and sales.

An anxious teenager in an orange safety vest waves frantically, alerting a crowd of pedestrians, cyclists, skateboarders, and rollerbladers of a damaged bridge ahead. A '404' sign warns of broken connections.

A high number of 1 broken links on your site may hinder user navigation, reducing engagement and potentially impacting sales.

Site Map

An effective XML sitemap makes webpages visible to search engines, which is crucial for discoverability, traffic, and business growth.

A confident young entrepreneur in a green blazer, smiling and proudly holding a colorful digital representation of a website map, her eyes gleaming with optimism underneath her wavy hair.

Your XML sitemap allows timely crawling now, but its full impact requires regular updates as new pages are added.

Improper Robots.txt usage

Robots.txt is crucial for directing search engine bots, impacting how your site's content is crawled and indexed, which in turn affects user traffic and online visibility.

Intelligent white robot with green accents reading a holographic Robots.txt file reflected in its black rectangular glasses. The robot, giving a thumbs-up and smiling, emits a green light from the file. The scene is on a black background.

Your site's well-structured robots.txt ensures efficient search engine crawling, enhancing visibility, driving user traffic, and potentially increasing sales.

Canonical Tags

Proper use of canonical tags is crucial for SEO, ensuring unique content and influencing user traffic and search engine credibility.

Two mirrored mockup webpages with abstract swirling colors are stacked vertically. Above them is a green check mark badge approving the correct canonical tag implementation. This digital art illustrates proper website metadata usage.

Your site's canonical tags are correctly used, enhancing search rankings, attracting more users, and potentially increasing online sales.

Falling short of the PageLeap Benchmark, your landing page's SEO score of 88 risks lower visibility, impacting engagement and user reviews, underscoring the urgency for enhancements.

Accessibility & UX

Accessibility quantifies your landing page's ability to be used by individuals with disabilities, essential for inclusive user satisfaction and interaction engagement.

'A frustrated young entrepreneur in a red shirt, sitting at a desk cluttered with papers and a vintage 1990s desktop computer, scratching his head as he analyzes why his online business's website traffic is low.'

Image Alt Text

Properly labeled images with alt texts improve your site's SEO, making your content more accessible and engaging to users, thereby driving sales.

A visually impaired individual struggling with a non-inclusive webpage on his computer, fingers poised on a braille reader, showcasing need for better web accessibility, amid various office and audio equipment.

Your site excels in using alt texts for images, enhancing search rankings and attracting more users, which can lead to increased sales.

Loading Efficiency

Loading efficiency plays a key role in user experience, impacting how quickly users interact with your site and affecting sales.

Startup founder in casual business attire nervously waiting for webpage to load on smartphone, indicated by slow status bar progress. They are standing, crossing arms, and rapidly tapping their foot.

Slow loading efficiency score of 34 on your site risks higher bounce rates and reduced user engagement, potentially impacting sales.

An Accessibility score of 86, below the PageLeap Benchmark, may lead to user dissatisfaction, impacting engagement and user satisfaction for all users, emphasizing the need for improvements.

Security & Trust

'A frustrated young entrepreneur in a red shirt, sitting at a desk cluttered with papers and a vintage 1990s desktop computer, scratching his head as he analyzes why his online business's website traffic is low.'


Effective redirect strategies are essential for website performance, impacting how users engage with your site and affecting sales.

'A frustrated young entrepreneur in a red shirt, sitting at a desk cluttered with papers and a vintage 1990s desktop computer, scratching his head as he analyzes why his online business's website traffic is low.'

With 0 well-handled redirects, your website ensures smooth navigation, leading to better user retention and revenue growth.

Headers Grade

Effective HTTP headers are vital for protecting user data and ensuring smooth site operation, directly affecting traffic and sales.


Your site excels in HTTP header management with a grade of B, enhancing site security and performance, and potentially increasing user engagement and online sales.


Using HTTPS secures user data and builds trust, a critical factor in maintaining user engagement and driving e-commerce success.


Your site excels in providing secure connections via HTTPS (1), enhancing user trust and potentially increasing online sales.
