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PageLeap measures how well your page is optimized across essential factors such as speed, access, security, and search visibility.

Best Practices

The negative overall score reflects lack of fine-tuning across key dimensions, damaging user experiences and conversion rates. Read on to learn more.

Webpage Performance

The Performance score quantifies your landing page's overall performance, essential for user satisfaction and interaction engagement.

First Contentful Paint (FCP)

FCP, or First Contentful Paint, assesses the speed of your site in showing the initial content, playing a significant role in user retention and bounce rate reduction.

With a First Contentful Paint speed of 4.53 seconds, significantly slower than the PageLeap Benchmark of 1.09 seconds, your site faces challenges in maintaining user interest and converting visits to sales.

Largest Contentful Paint (LCP)

First Contentful Paint (FCP) evaluates how fast your site presents initial content to visitors, impacting engagement and bounce rates.

The 7.3 second Largest Contentful Paint time, above the PageLeap Benchmark of 1.49 seconds, points to potential delays in content delivery, which could deter visitors and reduce online transactions.

Time to First Byte (TTFB)

Time to First Byte (TTFB) gauges the server's responsiveness in delivering the initial response to user interactions, influencing user experience and satisfaction.

Your landing page's impressive TTFB score of 0.71, faster than the PageLeap Benchmark of 0.79, significantly contributes to a rapid user interaction experience, fostering higher engagement and satisfaction.

Total Blocking Time (TBT)

Total Blocking Time (TBT) measures how long your landing page remains unresponsive during loading, crucial for user engagement and frustration reduction.

An elevated TBT score of 0.82, well above the PageLeap Benchmark of 0.149, indicates potential user frustration, which could result in reduced online orders and negative reviews, underscoring the need for immediate action.

Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS)

Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) gauges how your landing page's elements move during loading, influencing user experience and satisfaction.

Your landing page's Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) score of 0, better than the PageLeap Benchmark of 0.05, ensures a seamless user experience, enhancing online orders, positive reviews, and webpage traffic.

First Input Delay (FID)

First Input Delay (FID) evaluates the delay in your landing page's response to user input, impacting user experience and interaction engagement.

Exceeding the PageLeap Benchmark score with a FID of just 0.32, your landing page minimizes user frustration, leading to increased interaction engagement and positive user experiences.

An overall Performance score of 38, below the PageLeap Benchmark, may lead to user dissatisfaction, impacting engagement and user satisfaction, emphasizing the need for improvements.

SEO Compliance

SEO evaluates your landing page's search engine optimization, impacting visibility, user experience, and engagement.

"Young entrepreneur in red shirt sitting puzzled at desk adorned with office supplies, surrounded by stacks of papers and a 1990s desktop computer, resonating the challenges of online business."

Meta Descriptions

Meta descriptions are snippets that summarize web pages' content, influencing click-through rates from search engines and impacting user attraction and sales.

Alt text: Illustration of an open book with a magnifying glass examining the small text of a meta description, set on a background filled with binary code to represent web metadata. The book, magnifying glass, and code all hint at detail and website-related information.

Subpar meta descriptions may weaken your site's search performance, reducing user visits and impacting online sales.

Broken Links

Proper management of broken links is key to maintaining site integrity and user satisfaction, influencing traffic and potential revenue.

An anxious teen in an orange safety vest signaling danger to spectators, pedestrians, bicyclists, skateboarders, and rollerbladers moving towards a collapsed bridge. The bridge surface is marked with 404, indicating a broken connection.

Your site excels in maintaining link integrity with 0 broken links, enhancing user trust and potentially increasing engagement and online sales.

Site Map

With an XML sitemap, pages are readily indexed, keeping content findable and driving user engagement key for sales.

Distressed entrepreneur in a dark futuristic cyber maze, looking hopelessly at a glitching holographic maze, walls glowing with red warning errors, symbolizing complex website architecture.

With an XML sitemap implemented, your site maintains full search engine accessibility, but its effectiveness depends on proper structure and diligent updates.

Improper Robots.txt usage

A well-configured robots.txt file is vital for search engine optimization, impacting how easily users find your site and potentially boosting online revenue.

A futuristic humanoid robot with glowing red eyes and intricate silver metal plating, showing sadness by slumping shoulders and knocking a barred gate labeled Robots.txt with a fist, blocked from a city that resembles an integrated circuit board.

A well-managed robots.txt on your site aids in effective indexing, boosting user interest and contributing to higher e-commerce revenue.

Canonical Tags

Effectively using canonical tags boosts your site's SEO by avoiding duplicate content, crucial for user engagement and revenue growth.

Two stacked mockup webpages filled with abstract spiral colors for a digital art illustration, validated by a green check mark badge. This professional composition demonstrates proper website metadata usage and the use of sleek, rounded style.

Your site's effective use of canonical tags enhances SEO, preventing content duplication and positively impacting user traffic and sales.

Falling short of the PageLeap Benchmark, your landing page's SEO score of 86 risks lower visibility, impacting engagement and user reviews, underscoring the urgency for enhancements.

Accessibility & UX

Accessibility quantifies your landing page's ability to be used by individuals with disabilities, essential for inclusive user satisfaction and interaction engagement.

"Young entrepreneur in red shirt sitting puzzled at desk adorned with office supplies, surrounded by stacks of papers and a 1990s desktop computer, resonating the challenges of online business."

Image Alt Text

Alt texts for images are vital for SEO and accessibility, enhancing user experience and contributing to higher search visibility and potential sales.

A cheerful blind woman, sporting eyewear and a hat, expertly navigates a green, luminous braille display device, demonstrating a clear pattern of dots signifying the technology's advanced, disability-friendly features.

Optimized alt texts on your site's images boost search visibility and user accessibility, positively impacting sales performance.

Loading Efficiency

High loading efficiency ensures users can quickly access content, vital for maintaining interest and driving online revenue growth.

A young startup founder in business casual attire, including a blazer, impatiently waits for a webpage to load on their smartphone. They are seen tapping one foot rapidly, their crossed arms indicate a sense of urgency.

Slow loading efficiency score of 2 on your site risks higher bounce rates and reduced user engagement, potentially impacting sales.

Your landing page's Accessibility score of 96, better than the PageLeap Benchmark, ensures an inclusive user experience, enhancing engagement and user satisfaction for all.

Security & Trust

"Young entrepreneur in red shirt sitting puzzled at desk adorned with office supplies, surrounded by stacks of papers and a 1990s desktop computer, resonating the challenges of online business."


Optimizing redirects is key to maintaining site speed and user satisfaction, crucial for driving user traffic and online sales.

"Young entrepreneur in red shirt sitting puzzled at desk adorned with office supplies, surrounded by stacks of papers and a 1990s desktop computer, resonating the challenges of online business."

Effective handling of the 0 redirects on your site supports seamless navigation, leading to improved traffic and higher sales potential.

Headers Grade

Well-configured HTTP headers contribute significantly to website security and efficiency, impacting user experience and potential sales growth.


Your site's HTTP headers are optimally configured with a grade of A+, enhancing security and performance, thus attracting more users and potentially increasing sales.


Implementing HTTPS is crucial for website security, directly affecting user trust and impacting your site's performance and revenue.


Your site excels in providing secure connections via HTTPS (1), enhancing user trust and potentially increasing online sales.
