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Investigate and educate yourself about SEO!

PageLeap review rates your landing page's optimization across vital performance indicators that affect visitors and search engines.

Best Practices

The substandard overall score indicates insufficient optimization across critical areas, which will hinder user experiences and lose sales. Scroll down for more detail.

Webpage Performance

The Performance score quantifies your landing page's overall performance, essential for user satisfaction and interaction engagement.

First Contentful Paint (FCP)

The metric First Contentful Paint (FCP) gauges the speed at which your website first renders visible content, a key factor in engaging users and minimizing bounce rates.

The 2.31 second First Contentful Paint speed of your site, lagging behind the PageLeap Benchmark of 1.09 seconds, indicates a need for optimization to enhance user experience and boost engagement.

Largest Contentful Paint (LCP)

First Contentful Paint (FCP) evaluates how fast your site presents initial content to visitors, impacting engagement and bounce rates.

Your site's LCP speed of 2.91 seconds, lagging behind the PageLeap Benchmark of 1.49 seconds, could negatively impact user experience and conversions, underscoring the importance of speed enhancements.

Time to First Byte (TTFB)

Time to First Byte (TTFB) measures how quickly your landing page's server responds to a user's request, crucial for user engagement and satisfaction.

Achieving a TTFB score of 0.72, better than the PageLeap Benchmark of 0.79, your landing page ensures minimal delays in server responses, leading to positive engagement and user satisfaction.

Total Blocking Time (TBT)

Total Blocking Time (TBT) gauges the duration your landing page remains unresponsive during loading, influencing user experience and satisfaction.

Achieving a TBT score of 0, better than the PageLeap Benchmark of 0.149, your landing page ensures minimal interactivity delays, leading to higher online orders, positive reviews, and user satisfaction.

Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS)

Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) measures how your landing page's elements shift during loading, impacting user experience and satisfaction.

Achieving a CLS score of 0, better than the PageLeap Benchmark of 0.05, your landing page minimizes user frustration, leading to higher online orders, positive reviews, and increased webpage traffic.

First Input Delay (FID)

First Input Delay (FID) gauges the delay in your landing page's response to user interactions, influencing user experience and satisfaction.

Exceeding the PageLeap Benchmark score with a FID of just 0.02, your landing page minimizes user frustration, leading to increased interaction engagement and positive user experiences.

An overall Performance score of 84, well below the PageLeap Benchmark, indicates potential user dissatisfaction, which could result in reduced engagement and negative reviews, underscoring the need for immediate action.

SEO Compliance

SEO assesses the optimization level of your landing page for search engines, pivotal for visibility, user satisfaction, and engagement.

"Young entrepreneur in a red shirt at a desk, appearing puzzled while trying to decipher the reason for low website traffic. Around, there's a vintage computer and piles of papers, capturing the challenges of online business."

Meta Descriptions

Meta descriptions act as your site's first impression in search results, essential for drawing in users and converting visits into sales.

Illustration of a neglected houseplant in a red pot on a windowsill, next to a broken and empty watering can labeled 'Meta Descriptions'. Represents the importance of meta descriptions for website growth and user experience.

Ineffective meta descriptions might lead to lower search rankings, decreasing user engagement and negatively impacting revenue.

Broken Links

Broken links, when addressed promptly, ensure a smooth user experience and enhance site credibility, impacting online sales.

Anxious teenager in orange safety vest and jeans, signaling danger to a crowd of pedestrians, bicyclists, and skateboarders near a collapsing bridge, under a cloudy sky, with a '404' warning visible.

Your site's effective management of 0 broken links ensures a smooth user experience, leading to increased engagement and potential sales growth.

Site Map

Properly structuring an XML sitemap directly impacts site crawl efficiency, search visibility, and user access to content.

A happy young entrepreneur in a stylish green blazer, confidently displaying a vibrant digital map of a website, her eyes full of optimism. She is using a symmetric gesture, with a radiant smile beneath her wavy hair.

The discovery benefits of your XML sitemap rely on ongoing optimization to boost rankings and revenue.

Improper Robots.txt usage

Effective management of robots.txt is essential for optimal search engine crawling, directly affecting your site's visibility to users and potential sales.

A sophisticated white robot, with green highlights giving a thumbs up, while scanning a holographic robots.txt document with black-framed glasses, over a solid black background. The robot's body parts showcase detailed intricate metallic joints and thick fingertips.

Optimized robots.txt on your site boosts search visibility, improving user traffic and directly contributing to better sales figures.

Canonical Tags

Proper use of canonical tags is crucial for SEO, ensuring unique content and influencing user traffic and search engine credibility.

Alt text: Two vertical mirrored mockup webpages showcasing abstract swirling colors, approved with a green check mark icon for correct canonical tag usage. This demonstrates website metadata usage in a professional and artistic composition.

Your site's effective use of canonical tags enhances SEO, preventing content duplication and positively impacting user traffic and sales.

An SEO score of 79, below the PageLeap Benchmark, may lead to limited visibility, impacting engagement and user satisfaction, emphasizing the need for improvements.

Accessibility & UX

Accessibility measures your landing page's ability to be used by individuals with disabilities, crucial for inclusive user engagement and satisfaction.

"Young entrepreneur in a red shirt at a desk, appearing puzzled while trying to decipher the reason for low website traffic. Around, there's a vintage computer and piles of papers, capturing the challenges of online business."

Image Alt Text

Alt texts for images are vital for SEO and accessibility, enhancing user experience and contributing to higher search visibility and potential sales.

A joyful blind woman with glasses, smiling as she explores a glowing green braille display with her fingertips. The device, designed for vision care, showcases clear dot patterns. Recognized by an Alt Text Verified badge for disability-friendly use.

Optimized alt texts on your site's images boost search visibility and user accessibility, positively impacting sales performance.

Loading Efficiency

Fast loading times are essential for user retention and satisfaction, directly impacting your site's traffic and potential e-commerce success.

A vibrant speedometer dial at maximum speed, displaying swift website image loading, with sparks flying. A delighted web developer surfs on a soaring upload bar, launching crystal clear images at lightning speed amid celebratory race flags.

Optimized loading efficiency score of 92 on your site enhances user experience, directly impacting bounce rates and positively influencing sales.

Your landing page's Accessibility score of 90, lagging behind the PageLeap Benchmark, poses a risk to user satisfaction, engagement, and webpage traffic for all users, highlighting the opportunity for vital improvements.

Security & Trust

"Young entrepreneur in a red shirt at a desk, appearing puzzled while trying to decipher the reason for low website traffic. Around, there's a vintage computer and piles of papers, capturing the challenges of online business."


Proper handling of redirects ensures seamless user navigation, a key factor in retaining visitors and driving e-commerce success.

"Young entrepreneur in a red shirt at a desk, appearing puzzled while trying to decipher the reason for low website traffic. Around, there's a vintage computer and piles of papers, capturing the challenges of online business."

Optimized redirect strategies with 0 redirects on your site improve functionality, positively impacting user experience and boosting sales.

Headers Grade

Well-configured HTTP headers contribute significantly to website security and efficiency, impacting user experience and potential sales growth.


Effective HTTP header setup on your site, scoring a grade of C, supports strong security and functionality, leading to improved traffic and higher sales potential.


HTTPS is essential for website security and user trust, directly impacting user experience and influencing online sales and traffic.


Your site's use of HTTPS ensures secure transactions, building user trust and potentially increasing engagement and sales.
