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Discover and discover the fundamentals of SEO!

PageLeap gauges how effectively your landing page is tuned across pivotal categories like technical quality, inclusiveness, security and promotion.

Best Practices

The negative overall score reflects lack of fine-tuning across key dimensions, damaging user experiences and conversion rates. Read on to learn more.

Webpage Performance

The Performance score quantifies your landing page's overall performance, essential for user satisfaction and interaction engagement.

First Contentful Paint (FCP)

The metric First Contentful Paint (FCP) gauges the speed at which your website first renders visible content, a key factor in engaging users and minimizing bounce rates.

A 2.48 second First Contentful Paint speed, far above the PageLeap Benchmark of 1.09 seconds, risks losing customers and orders due to today's short attention spans. Prioritize improving your landing page to boost traffic and sales.

Largest Contentful Paint (LCP)

First Contentful Paint (FCP) quantifies the rate your site generates initial content, critical for engagement and bounce rate reduction.

An LCP time of 6.13 seconds, which is slower than the PageLeap Benchmark of 1.49 seconds, suggests the need for optimization to enhance user experience and prevent potential loss in engagement and sales.

Time to First Byte (TTFB)

Time to First Byte (TTFB) quantifies the delay in your landing page's server response to user actions, essential for user satisfaction and interaction engagement.

With a TTFB score of 0.04, surpassing the PageLeap Benchmark of 0.79, your landing page excels in meeting high user interaction expectations, driving engagement, and user satisfaction.

Total Blocking Time (TBT)

Total Blocking Time (TBT) measures how long your landing page remains unresponsive during loading, crucial for user engagement and frustration reduction.

Your landing page's TBT score of 0.48, lagging behind the PageLeap Benchmark of 0.149, poses a risk to user satisfaction, online orders, and webpage traffic, highlighting the opportunity for vital improvements.

Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS)

Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) assesses the stability of your landing page's layout during loading, crucial for user satisfaction and engagement.

Achieving a CLS score of 0, better than the PageLeap Benchmark of 0.05, your landing page minimizes user frustration, leading to higher online orders, positive reviews, and increased webpage traffic.

First Input Delay (FID)

First Input Delay (FID) measures how long your landing page takes to respond to user interactions, crucial for user engagement and interaction satisfaction.

Your landing page's impressive FID score of 0.2, faster than the PageLeap Benchmark of 0.49, significantly contributes to a smooth user interaction experience, fostering higher engagement and satisfaction.

With an overall Performance score of 42, falling short of the PageLeap Benchmark, your landing page may be causing user dissatisfaction, negatively impacting engagement and user satisfaction, necessitating improvements.

SEO Compliance

SEO quantifies your landing page's effectiveness in search engine optimization, essential for visibility, user satisfaction, and interaction engagement.

"Young entrepreneur in a red shirt at a desk, appearing puzzled while trying to decipher the reason for low website traffic. Around, there's a vintage computer and piles of papers, capturing the challenges of online business."

Meta Descriptions

Meta descriptions act as your site's first impression in search results, essential for drawing in users and converting visits into sales.

An open book with a magnifying glass revealing a meta description, symbolizing an in-depth look at webpage information, set against a background of binary code, correlating to web metadata.

Subpar meta descriptions may weaken your site's search performance, reducing user visits and impacting online sales.

Broken Links

Maintaining a site free of broken links is vital for user experience and SEO, crucial for attracting traffic and driving sales.

Anxious teenager in orange safety vest and jeans, frantically gesturing and shouting to a cautious crowd of pedestrians, cyclists, and skaters near a crumbling bridge, with "404" warning of a broken connection.

Suboptimal management of the 115 broken links may weaken your site's usability, impacting user trust and online sales.

Site Map

With an XML sitemap, pages are readily indexed, keeping content findable and driving user engagement key for sales.

A happy young entrepreneur in a stylish green blazer, confidently displaying a vibrant digital map of a website, her eyes full of optimism. She is using a symmetric gesture, with a radiant smile beneath her wavy hair.

Your XML sitemap allows timely crawling now, but its full impact requires regular updates as new pages are added.

Improper Robots.txt usage

Effective management of robots.txt is essential for optimal search engine crawling, directly affecting your site's visibility to users and potential sales.

A sophisticated white robot with green features, seen giving a thumbs up while analyzing a holographic Robots.txt document, wearing glasses, and reflected in a green light against a flat black background. This image underscores a blend of technology and fiction.

Your effective robots.txt setup enhances search performance, attracting more users and positively impacting your online sales.

Canonical Tags

Proper use of canonical tags is crucial for SEO, ensuring unique content and influencing user traffic and search engine credibility.

Two mirrored webpage mockups filled with abstract, swirling colors, stacked vertically. A green check mark badge indicates correct canonical tag implementation between the identical pages. The rounded style of the checkmark and webpage outlines, the symmetrical design, and the use of electric blue reflect a clean, professional digital art presentation of proper website metadata usage.

Effective canonical tag management on your site supports SEO, leading to improved user traffic and higher sales potential.

With an SEO score of 93, falling short of the PageLeap Benchmark, your landing page may be missing out on visibility opportunities, negatively impacting engagement and user satisfaction, necessitating improvements.

Accessibility & UX

Accessibility evaluates your landing page's inclusivity, impacting user experience and engagement for all users.

"Young entrepreneur in a red shirt at a desk, appearing puzzled while trying to decipher the reason for low website traffic. Around, there's a vintage computer and piles of papers, capturing the challenges of online business."

Image Alt Text

Utilizing alt texts for images not only aids in accessibility but also enhances SEO, crucial for attracting users and increasing revenue.

A blind woman with a smile on her face is engaging with a futuristic glowing green braille display device, showcasing clear dot patterns indicative of an intelligently written audio-monitor script. The technology praised for its disability-forward approach.

With effective alt texts, your site's images enhance SEO, leading to improved user engagement and higher revenue opportunities.

Loading Efficiency

Efficient site loading is crucial for keeping users engaged, directly influencing your site's bounce rates and online sales performance.

A startup entrepreneur in business casual attire, including a blazer and tie, anxiously taps his shoe-clad foot while holding a smartphone. He makes a crossed-arms gesture, with thumb tapping on his sleeve, appearing frustrated at a slow webpage loading.

Suboptimal loading efficiency score of 11 may weaken user retention, impacting your site's traffic and online sales performance.

An Accessibility score of 89, well below the PageLeap Benchmark, indicates potential user dissatisfaction and exclusion, which could result in reduced engagement and negative reviews for all users, underscoring the need for immediate action.

Security & Trust

"Young entrepreneur in a red shirt at a desk, appearing puzzled while trying to decipher the reason for low website traffic. Around, there's a vintage computer and piles of papers, capturing the challenges of online business."


Efficient management of redirects is crucial for maintaining site speed and user experience, influencing traffic and potential online sales.

"Young entrepreneur in a red shirt at a desk, appearing puzzled while trying to decipher the reason for low website traffic. Around, there's a vintage computer and piles of papers, capturing the challenges of online business."

Your site's efficient redirect management of 0 redirects enhances user experience, leading to increased engagement and potentially higher sales.

Headers Grade

HTTP header configuration plays a crucial role in site security and performance, impacting user trust and potentially influencing sales.


With an excellent HTTP header configuration grade of A, your website offers robust security and functionality, leading to improved user engagement and higher revenue.


HTTPS encryption is key to protecting user information, enhancing site credibility, and potentially increasing user retention and sales.


Your site excels in providing secure connections via HTTPS (1), enhancing user trust and potentially increasing online sales.
